Very similar to abandoned places, graffiti writer's pieces found in hidden spots around the Dallas-Ft.Worth metroplex. These pieces are also a different breed because these are places that writers can take their time. No one is around. Yes, people still just tag, but a lot of writer's use this space to really show their skills. Some spots simply do not have anything wack and every piece is amazing. All these pieces are seeked out by a lone photographer and all photos are original. Graffiti is underground, and these hidden places fit the bill for this culture and are utilized to the max by local writers. These are also spots that writers and crews want kept on the low, but the word gets out and that is hard to stop. However, you can view the pictures from me, but you won't get the location. Most of the spots involve tunnels, which means lurking around in sewers, so if you want to see these pieces, put on your worst clothes and shoes and get to exploring.




Very similar to abandoned places, graffiti writer's pieces found in hidden spots around the Dallas-Ft.Worth metroplex. These pieces are also a different breed because these are places that writers can take their time. No one is around. Yes, people still just tag, but a lot of writer's use this space to really show their skills. Some spots simply do not have anything wack and every piece is amazing. All these pieces are seeked out by a lone photographer and all photos are original. Graffiti is underground, and these hidden places fit the bill for this culture and are utilized to the max by local writers. These are also spots that writers and crews want kept on the low, but the word gets out and that is hard to stop. However, you can view the pictures from me, but you won't get the location. Most of the spots involve tunnels, which means lurking around in sewers, so if you want to see these pieces, put on your worst clothes and shoes and get to exploring.

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